Healthy Streams | Whanganui District Council

Project Type


The Whanganui River is literally the lifeblood of the Whanganui district, with its importance recognised by the historic Te Awa Tupua (Whanganui River Claims Settlement) Act, which established the river as its own legal entity.

Led by Whanganui District Council, the Healthy Streams programme aims to improve the water quality of the streams and waterways that feed into the Whanganui River through community-led projects.

Established in 2013, Healthy Streams Whanganui provided a platform for stakeholders, community groups, corporates, Whanganui District Council and Horizons Regional Council to work together to regenerate stretches of stream banks, including removing pest plant species, improving flood pathways and establishing new native riparian planting.

While consulting with Giblin Group, Erin was engaged by Whanganui District Council to facilitate workshops with key stakeholders and council officers to develop the Healthy Streams programme.

She worked with Whanganui District Council to establish the programme framework and funding platforms to support community projects and developed the Healthy Streams brand and webpage content. See more here.

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