Connection starts here.

Are we the right fit?

Before we go any further, let’s find out. 

If the answer’s “yes” or even “maybe”, we should talk.

  • Central government agency
  • Regional, district or city council
  • Infrastructure Organisation (port, airport, energy)
  • Partner or supplier to the above
  • Develop or strengthen strategic relationships
  • Protect and enhance our environment
  • Build community resilience to climate change
  • Support sustainable economic development
  • Deliver regional infrastructure projects
  • Drive behaviour change
  • Build social license
  • Set policy direction
  • Treaty Partners: Tangata whenua, mana whenua, iwi, hapū, whanau or Māori organisations
  • Key stakeholders: Industry, environmental, educational, or sporting  
  • Communities: Placed-based, interest groups, based on demographics

In a nut shell

Engagement is a spectrum. What level of engagement are you aiming for? 


Do you want to reach partners, stakeholders or target audiences? Our team supports communications and engagement teams, or project teams to share your mahi, build understanding or nurture social license  


Looking to involve stakeholders in projects, collaborate with partners to co-design a process, or empower communities to act themselves? We can design and deliver innovative approaches to engage your community.


Are you looking to formally consult or ask your community to participate in a decision-making process? We have expertise and experience in designing and delivering robust Local Government consultation processes.  

Our sweet spots

We collaborate with organisations to design projects focused on the areas below – helping to shape and enhance their
region. If your project falls within one of these areas, we can bring our proven methodologies and creativity to the table.

Climate Change

Climate adaption and mitigation is more important than ever. We understand the connection between climate issues and the impacts on communities.


Climate-related disasters are hitting regions hard. We engage people in preparation, response, recovery and rebuilding resilient communities.


We only have one planet. We’re passionate about projects that restore, protect and enhance the whenua, awa and moana that are home to our unique biodiversity.

Waste reduction

Helping whānau, communities and industry reduce, reuse, recycle and re-design, builds our circular economy. We support behaviour change and green infrastructure.

Economic Development

Sustainable economic growth is the bedrock of a thriving region. We advise economic development organisations aiming to attract new industry and investment.


Partnering with mana whenua, engaging stakeholders and fostering social license is critical for vital airport, port, energy or water infrastructure.


Travelling 3-hours or 3-minutes – we know resilient, low-emission and active transport links are vital for our economy, environment, and sense of connection.


Planning for our future, means engaging now. We drive participation in master plans, long-term plans, district plans and strategic growth planning.

Ki to Kotahi te kakaho ka whati.
Ki te kapuia e kore e whati.

If a reed stands alone,
it can be broken;
If it is in a group, it cannot.

Alone we are vulnerable. Together we are invincible. To start a kōrero about building strong connections across your community, connect with us today…

Connecting Tairawhiti

Ensuring connectivity across Tairāwhiti – East Coast and Northern Hawke’s Bay is vital for both regions. Resilient and safe state highways keep whānau connected, provide equitable access to critical services and get products to market. We’ve worked alongside the Waka Kotahi team to engage communities as those connections are improved.

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