Infrastructure and behaviour change

Engaging communities

If you’re looking to grow your region with the development of a community or regional project, or you want to change the way you deliver services to your community, we’re the people to talk to. 

Our team can assist you with any and all projects from active transport initiatives, environmental enhancements or economic development, to large regional projects such as roading, ports, airports or water infrastructure. 

As experts in engagement, we help you apply best-practise IAP2 engagement methods to infrastructure and behaviour change projects. We’ll help you determine the engagement needs, designing a communications and engagement strategy that integrates with your project plan. From there, we can do the mahi ourselves, collaborate with your team, or hand back to you to implement the strategy.  Our flexible approach enables us to work to your budget and team resourcing. 

Our capabilities include:

  • Stakeholder mapping with teams to identify key partners, stakeholders and communities, and design tailored stakeholder plans to engage them at appropriate levels.
  • C+E workshops with internal governance teams, technical advisory groups or project teams on the engagement needs of a project.   
  • Key message development for a wide group of treaty partners, stakeholders and communities.

We can research international and national case studies for learnings on innovative communications and engagement approaches around your specific project-type.

We can directly engage treaty partners, key stakeholders and communities through project briefings, hui on their expectations and aspirations, and co-design participation in projects.

A Cultural Impact Assessment (CIA) is a report that outlines the cultural values for Māori, iwi and/or hapū who have an association with an area or natural feature. The process of developing a CIA and the resulting report, are tools for facilitating discussion between Māori, project partners and the wider community on what’s important to understand about an area or feature, what impacts a project could have on cultural or natural values, and options for mitigating those through effective partnership. Viewing a project from a Te Ao Māori perspective can add genuine value to a project, authentically connect the project to people and place, and open opportunities for long-term and mutually beneficial partnerships.

Developing robust CIAs can be a resource intensive process and is often dependent on the limited and valuable time of knowledgeable iwi/hapū members. Frank Engagement can assist Māori-led CIA processes by supporting coordination of hui and wananga, collating kōrero into themes, structuring a document, editing iwi/hapū created content, managing design and distilling key messages to contribute to wider project engagement.  

We can develop a strategy that clarifies and articulates your:

  • goals and objectives
  • background context
  • target audiences
  • key messages
  • risks and mitigations
  • timeline with milestones
  • project roles and responsibilities
  • content needs
  • distribution channels

We can develop key messages that easily explain what you’re doing, why you’re doing it, and what the benefits to the community will be.

Where messaging is complex or comes with reputational risk, we can support your communications team with media releases and media enquiries.

We can develop content and collateral that is easy to understand and inspires participation, such as consultation documents, website pages, brochures, video and social media.  

Depending on the scope and budget, we can also partner with existing suppliers or connect you to our team of talented partners. 

Social pinpoint and Engagement HQ have become vital platforms for local government to to articulate messaging and seek feedback from the community on projects or changes in policy. We’ll work with your team to take the key messages and create an interactive experience for your constituents. 

Our team can design, arrange and facilitate community engagement events, such as workshops, wananga, hui, or community events, including online forums such as FBLive Q&As. 


Ki to Kotahi te kakaho ka whati.
Ki te kapuia e kore e whati.

If a reed stands alone, it can be broken;
If it is in a group, it cannot.

Alone we are vulnerable. Standing together we are invincible. To start a kōrero about building connection with your community…

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